Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mold Health Effects-More evidence from Sufferers

Further to the previous posts, is the evidence from ones who found themselves living in a mold infected area, who in turn suffered from various mold health effects, but found that on leaving the house, or when the mold was removed, the effects, or symptoms experienced from the mold, also disappeared.

What were some of these mold health effects that were felt?

Well, some were suffering from runny noses, sinus congestion, frequent cold symptoms, asthma attacks, and allergic reactions.

In the case where Toxic mold was present scary and serious symptoms like the following were experienced.

Headaches, Memory loss, Focusing or Concentration issues, Fatigue, Nose and Throat irritations, persistent Cold like symptoms, Eyes that burn, ithch and water.
Also Dizziness, Nausea, Tremors and Heart Palpitations were noted. Add to the list, Shortness of Breath and Exhaustion after routine activities, Muscle Cramps and Joint Pains.

It is enough to scare anyone, do you not agree?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mold Health effects-From Indoor Mold and MVOCs

More mold health effects were given by the IOM (Institute of Medicine) in the year 2004.

They said there was enough evidence to link indoor exposure to mold to upper Respiratory Tract symptoms, like coughing and wheezing, in otherwise healthy people.

Also linked to indoor mold were Asthma symptoms in people who were Asthmatics. The IOM also found limited and suggestive evidence that linked exposure to indoor mold, with Respiratory illness in otherwise healthy children.

What about mVOCs?
Have you heard of mVOCs ?

MVOCs are volatile compounds produced by mold that often give off strong, unpleasant odors, and are released directly into the air.

While it is true that MVOC research is still ongoing, it is already suggested that these Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds could be linked to symptoms such as headaches, nasal irritation, dizziness, fatigue and nausea.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mold Health Effects-Who suffer the worst?

Further to my previous discussions about mold health effects, it seems from studies conducted that mold can affect the health of individuals that have a weakened immune system, whether they be an infant, the elderly, an AIDs patient, or those who are undergoing Chemotherapy, for example.

Also affected are individuals who suffer from Allergies, those who have a Chronic Respiratory illness, and those who find themselves sensitive to chemicals.

The presence of Mold seems to affect these individuals in the first instance, whereas a healthier person in the same home may not experience mold health effects at all.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mold Health Effects-Need to be Considered

In the previous post, large health organizations seem to indicate a connection between mold and our health.

What do they say?

One example is the US EPA.
It says that all molds have the potential to cause health effects.

The fact that mold produces Allergens, Irritants and in some cases, Toxins suggest that mold may cause reactions in humans. The types of symptoms and the severity of the symptoms depend , in part, on the types of mold present, the extent of an individuals exposure to mold, the ages of the individuals exposed, and their existing sensitivities and allergies.

So, what is being said here is that mold can vary, from ordinary, everyday mold to Toxic or poisonous mold, and mold health effects also vary from one person to the other.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mold Health Effects-Real or Imagined?

Mold health effects?
Does mold really effect our health?

You are no doubt reading this because you suspect that mold may be causing you some health concerns at this moment. Please read on, because mold health effects is a
subject we are all concerned about, because we all come in contact with mold in its various forms, sometimes within our own homes.

So could mold be causing you, or one of your loved ones to experience adverse health symptoms?

Mold health research is still ongoing in some areas, however Organizations such as WHO (World Health Organization), and IOM (Institute of Medicine), and the US EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency), seem to give indications that our health can be affected through contact with mold.